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Finding and nurturing your breath is essential to maintaining balance and promoting well-being. It is one of the foundations of mindfulness. This guided meditation will help you identify your breath. You are warmly invited to sit, listen, and follow along this nurturing meditation so that you may foster your mental well-being..
We all need to eat. But where does our food come from? Where do we, as consumers of this food, fall in this chain? Before we prepare a meal, let's first begin by bringing mindful awareness to what activities, care, and awareness to what transpired before this food reaches our plate.
One of the steps of the Noble Eightfold Path is Right Speech. Therefor, when we speak with others it's important we are mindful of the words we use. Word choice and tone are instrumental for us in getting our message across in a positive and loving manner.
As our lives continue to move forward we will all eventually lose someone that we love. Be it a parent, sibling, friend, or pet their death will eventually come. It's natural to be sad when their passing comes however at times the grief we experience may be overwhelming at times. I warmly invite you to listen along with this guided meditation that will help you invite emotions in with openness and acceptance and focusing on the positive when dealing with life's mysteries.
Anxiety happens when we face a situation that we anticipate to be emotionally challenging. These situations may vary from individual but the mental and physical response often present themselves as muscle tightness, headaches, or maybe even teeth grinding. For some this can be overwhelming, not allowing them to perform skillfully. Listen along to this guided meditation that will help ease your anxiety by opening the understanding that all beings feel anxious at times.
With the stress and uncertainty life brings, anxiety can become an unhealthy byproduct. Understanding that many types of thoughts will enter our mind every day this meditation will help you acknowledge them for what they are and that you are not your thoughts. Listen along to this peaceful guided meditation that will help ease your anxiety by opening the understanding that all beings feel anxious at times.
At some point in our lives we encounter someone who we may find frustrating. It's common for people to become closed hearted to them and perhaps become less caring. As a result of this closing we unskillfully perpetuate suffering. This guided meditation helps reverse that process and instead allows us to recognize this person as a loving human being just as you are and to compassionately care for and love that person as all humans are deserving of.
Boredom can happen to us when we begin to feel restless and when there is no stimuli. As a result we may do activities that do not nurture our well-being like mindless eating or social media scrolling. Instead of letting boredom take hold and diminish the present moment learn how we may overcome this feeling and transform it into something more advantageous to our happiness.
Equanimity is having mental calmness or evenness of temper especially in difficult situations. In Buddhism, it is the ground for wisdom and freedom and the protector of compassion and love. Equanimity allows you to navigate difficult situations with balance instead of charged, harmful emotions.
Our minds can become busy and distracted after a hectic day which may lead to an unrefreshing sleep. Or perhaps you'd like to begin your day with calm and clarity before you venture outside. Clarity before your day begins sets a positive and open mindset ready for any unexpected events.
In our busy and active lives it's easy to overlook they way our body is responding to outside stimuli and internal mental conditions. A body scan meditation is are a wonderful way to reconnect with every cell and fiber of your being and learning to relieves stress and anxiety associated with busy lives. You are warmly invited to listen and connect as I guide you along in this refreshing body scan meditation.
Our minds may sometimes become very active. Sometimes to the point where we're unable to focus and contemplate mindful decisions. You are warmly invited to listen to this calming guided meditation that will help you ease your active mind.
So many people are feeling a sense of despair and hopelessness. This is clearly evident by the way we communicate with each other and all of the senseless violence. When one is filled with love, joy, and happiness one cannot want to hurt another living being. When you feel too sad, lost, unloved or simply want to continue to nurture your own happiness you are warmly invited to listen to this healing guided meditation.
Members of any society only feel safe when there is no judgment, openness, and compassion demonstrated by all members of that society. Too often though that is not the situation. You are warmly invited to listen to the nurturing guided meditation so that you may foster your own feelings of openness, compassion and nonjudgment so that others as well as yourself may feel safe.
Most of the suffering we encounter is the result of unvirtuous actions on our part. So to decrease our suffering as well as those around us we must eliminate our harmful ways and live with virtue and kindness. You are warmly invited to listen to this nurturing guided meditation that will help you focus on virtuous behavior while helping to eliminate non-virtuous behavior.
We all make decisions. From the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed there's always something to consider. Some decisions are more impactful than others. Some minor decisions result in big results where as some large decisions do not. You are warmly invited to listen along to this guided meditation that will help you apply mindfulness and awareness to each and every decision you make.
Did you know that you're a part of a large and wonderful community. You're surrounded by all kinds of people who truly do care about you just link you care about them. But sometimes it's hard to realize how intrigal we are to our community and how everyone does their part to make it such a truly wonderful place to be a part of. You are warmly invited to listen to the guided meditation that will help you to reconnect with yourself as well as the many others who live in your community.
Sometimes we live in a mindset where we continuously diminish our wellbeing. We may say to ourselves 'I'm no good at this' or 'Why me?' or "I'm unworthy of love'. And these thoughts are not true because we are worthy and whole so we need to find a way to bring ourselves back a wholesome balance. You are warmly invited to listen to this nurturing guided meditation on learning how nurture your inner-being to bloom into the beautiful flower you have inside.
Helping others is one of the noblest and kindest actions a person may do for another. However sometimes we find ourselves pleasing others at the expense of our own wellbeing. Remember, we may not pour from an empty cup. So it's important for us to recognize when we need to administer care for ourselves. This nurturing guided meditation will help you recognize what personal needs you may be needing to replenish.
When we cultivate gratitude and gladness within we are allowing ourselves to being open to what's truly important in our lives. the lives of those we care about, and the lives of others. We are allowing ourselves to experiencing the joy for what we have and for the joy of what others are experiencing. By allowing gratitude and gladness to bloom within we also foster deeper feelings of compassion and empathy for those who are suffering, thereby easing their burden.
With our busy lives we often become insensitive to what our mind and body is telling us. We put off or ignore the vital messages that are designed to keep us in balance with ourselves, others, and surroundings. You are warmly invited to receive this guided meditation that will help you become more aware of what your mind and body are saying so you may return to a balanced and harmonious state.
Many people suffer from the disease of addiction. Addiction comes in many forms, from alcohol, drugs, and smoking but there are many other behaviors that may be addictive as well, such as: sex. gambling, greed, work, overeating. Addiction, no matter the substance or action, destroys lives. Yours, loved ones, and other people in your circle. And many times people who suffer from addiction begin to feel less of themselves, but they are just as valuable as you and I. If you are suffering from addiction, this nurturing and healing meditation will help you on the Noble Path showing you that you are whole and you are loved and worthy of love.
We live in a society where we expect immediate results and that is unfortunate. While we hurry to complete one task we're often rushing off to another. We have lost our ability to be patient with ourselves, others, and the world around us. And in doing so we have disconnected with the beauty of ourselves, others, and the world around us. You are warmly invited to listen to the nurturing guided meditation that will help you cultivate patience in your life so that you may truly connect to what is important...your wellbeing.
We've all had hard times and the fact that you're here reading this supports the fact that you're resilient. But we don't often recognize that we are truly resilient especially in the midst of a stressful situation. This guided meditation is ideal for times when you're under a lot of stress as well as for when you're not. Practicing this meditation when you're not facing a crisis will help to minimize the stress during those challenging times.
We sometimes forget where are are during the course of our busy days. This results in us losing awareness to our mental well being, physical well being, or even the task at hand. You are warmly invited to sit and listen to this nurturing and grounding guided meditation to help cultivate that awareness so you may continue promoting your well being.
When someone does an action, lives a certain lifestyle we disagree with or perhaps they're even a different race or ethnicity we often gravitate towards this difference to support our belief. This dismissal removes their humanity and one may begin to view them as a lesser being. This guided meditation with help cultivate the connections that you share with each and every person on Earth by identifying these commonalities.
We all want to be the best we can. We try to do things that benefit our wellbeing as well as others. But sometimes we let negative emotions overcome our kindness. Or we partake in harmful activities instead of wholesome ones. You are warmly invited to listen along to this guided meditation on living a wholesome life.
It's OK to tell someone no. In fact, it's often necessary to do so in order to protect our wellbeing. Afterall we're human and not automatons without feelings and limits. In this guided meditation we will bring mindful attention to developing and maintaining healthy boundaries so the we may continue to be of noble service to ourself and others.
Our roots help us establish vital connections we have have with ourselves and others. But strengthening our roots also helps us understand that we are all connected and that there is no separation of 'self' and 'others'. You are warmly invited to listen to this guided meditation that will help strengthen your roots and strengthening that connection.
Our next days activities always being with a full and rejuvenating nights sleep. Sleep is necessary for a healthy mind and body and maintains our wellbeing throughout the day. Join me in this relaxing guided meditation to help you fall asleep and where we sail onto and then walk along a charming seaside village on the beautiful island of Okinawa, Japan.
How many times have you read a news article, read a social media post, or made a judgment on someone just by looking at them or their actions. The same judgment you've made of others has been and is probably occurring towards you right now. Just because it's happening now doesn't make it a positive and uplifting action. Judging others categorizes them into something they are not and removes their humanity. Judging others also takes away from your own curiosity and compassion.
Sometimes we overlook the what we may consider small things in our lives thinking that they really don't matter. But in reality, the small things are truly the largest parts of our lives. You are warmly invited to sit with me as I guide you through this meditation on gratitude for the smallest things in our lives to the largest. We graciously ask that you please consider liking this video and subscribing to our channel.
Change can be hard to accept but it is a natural part of living. For example, you're no longer an infant and have gone through many changes in your life until now. And you will continue to do so until the end. With the right perspective and view we can learn to accept these natural and wonderful changes that go on all around and within us. You are warmly invited to listen to this guided meditation on accepting that all things change.
The breath. The heart. The mind. Three vital components to life. Each performing a separate function to unify your life. You are warmly invited to listen to this guided meditation that brings awareness to in oneness of all parts of you for a more harmonious existence.
We often feel alone and isolated. This is a very common mindset in the world we live in today even though we have a large on-line connection. Sadly, relationships are not well developed as a result. This guided meditation will help to realign your sense of isolation by deeply reflection on the many ways we are truly connected to ourselves and others.
Who is the Stream Enterer? Perhaps you’re one and didn’t even know it. Maybe it’s an aspiration of yours but you’re unsure how to proceed. You are warmly invited to listen to this guided meditation to help nurture you along your path towards liberation and helping to ease the suffering of others.
Too often we allow the unimportant and meaningless dominate our view thereby distorting our perception. What may be truly meaningless, we allow to take a center role in how we respond. We become a slave to the superficialities of life. These are the ripples that distort our perception of reality. You are warmly invited to sit and nurture a clear perception in your mind steam with this guided meditation so that you to do not become a slave to every instance that is presented to you.
Violence begets more violence. That is an undisputable law. There are many forms of violence, not just physical, as you may initially think. Violence may be subtle and consist of micro-aggressions, gossip, or even avoidance. So how do we break that cycle, especially when someone we may be familiar with is trying to hurt us? This healing guided meditation will help begin this process by removing our desire to hurt back and replacing it with love and boundless compassion.
Being a parent is a wonderful responsibility. A new life has entered our world and will need nurturing and guidance as they grow. As they grow you will be faced with questions and circumstances that are expected and unexpected. Your kind and loving support during these times are instrumental in how they view themselves, others, and the world around them. They will also face times of hurt. And knowing that during these times you are a place of refuge will help ease their pain and uncertainty. As you listen to this guided meditation know that you have a very important job ahead of you filled with wonder, amazement, and love.
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Blue Lotus Meditation